RIT/NTID Diversity Spotlight

Full name of the subject of the spotlight.

[ID: RIT National Technical Institute for the Deaf. Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Black Heritage Month Spotlight. Pictured in a green circle is Menna Nicola, a Black woman smiling with braided black hair and a white v-neck shirt. Quoted below her is: "Being a part of Ebony Club has been one of my biggest cultural influences on campus." Below, it says "Menna Nicola '23. Applied Computer Technology AAS." Black History Month colors, red, yellow, black and green are found on the photo's bottom border.]

Menna Nicola ‘23


Applied Computing Technology


What is your nationality/how do you identify?
Black/Ethiopian. I was born there and moved to Texas at the age of eight with my family.

What or who has been your biggest cultural influence?
Being part of Ebony Club, used to be Vice President – in my freshman year I learned about Black culture, then I learned more about multiple different Black cultures such as their food, learned more about myself as well.

What is your favorite cultural dish?
Kitfo, which consists of minced raw beef, marinated with spicy sauces. Pair it with injera. I personally don't like beef, but kitfo is savory. 

If you could bring one thing from your culture to Rochester, what would it be?
I would bring a flag of Ethiopia because I love their color; green, yellow, red, and blue logo. The meaning of each color is unique and special; "Blue symbolizes peace, red symbolizes the sacrifice for freedom and equality, yellow is a symbol of hope, and the green represents the fertile land of Ethiopia." 

From your lens, how can the larger community better support POC, like yourself?
Go to Ebony Club events or POC clubs such as Asian Club Deaf, Latin American Deaf Club, etc. Be curious about our culture, respect, and be patient with us.  

Share a quote that you live by.
"Life is too short." Sometimes I am afraid to take a risk or grab a chance, but thinking of that quote helps me do it because you never know when your last day is. Seize the opportunity before it's too late. 

Do you have any resources to share for someone like yourself or for someone who would like to learn more about your culture?
I really advise people to come to Ebony Club and get involved to learn more about the Black experience on campus. Our Student Life Team also offers deaf ALANA Promise Coaches, who are responsible for ensuring that people of color are having their voices heard by RIT.

Share a cool, random fact about yourself.
My parents didn't know I was deaf until three years old, and this is why my favorite number is three.